Monday, May 24, 2010

Awesome Words that aren't used in Everyday Life!

Alright, with only 12 days left till I leave to go to Orlando, I had a small Disney overdose today. So instead, I decided to start a new feature: AWESOME WORDS THAT AREN'T USED IN EVERYDAY LIFE!!

Todays word is: Brouhaha. yes, brouhaha. It is a real word, and that is how its spelled.What does it mean exactly? Brouhaha means excited public interest, discussion, or the like, as the clamor attending some sensational event; or hullabaloo. Why is is it such a cool word? Because its just hilarious to say. I haven't been able to say this word once yet without cracking up or smiling. Besides, think of all the places in everyday life that you can use it:

ex. With all the brouhaha happening out side, I didn't notice that my sister had eaten my Popsicle. Curse my little sister.

Disney Ex(yeah...can't get away from it :D): When the girl accidentally tripped Mickey and knocked his head off, there was much brouhaha about trying to explain to the little kids that she did not "kill" Mickey. (sad, but this is an actual experience of mine)