Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Psycho Disney Heroines

So instead of packing like I should have been (2 days!), I have been browsing the internet for a picture I can use as a skin for my phone (finally got a new one!!). Don't even remember how I ended up with the Google search that lead to this, but somehow these popped up:

Teighlor Johnson
Creepy huh?
These aren't the Disney Girls you grew up with. These two are part of a collection of Drawings done by comic book artist Jeffery Thomas, which contain twisted drawings of many Disney Girls, including Jasmine, Snow White, Meg, Mulan, Nala and Cinderella.

The photos in this collection, are dark, disturbing, imaginative, and highly entertaining. My favorite ones are the ones you see right up there (Alice is my wallpaper), along with Mulan, Jasmine and Snow White. This is something that hits with that tiny little dark spot deep within every Disney fan (you know its there, thats why you laugh when Ursala gets stabbed...or is that just me?)

To see the rest of the collection visit:

and to see some of the web comics that he helps illustrate(my favorite is Beatrice) go to:

Peace,Love, and Cookie Dough,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Awesome Words that aren't used in Everyday Life!

Alright, with only 12 days left till I leave to go to Orlando, I had a small Disney overdose today. So instead, I decided to start a new feature: AWESOME WORDS THAT AREN'T USED IN EVERYDAY LIFE!!

Todays word is: Brouhaha. yes, brouhaha. It is a real word, and that is how its spelled.What does it mean exactly? Brouhaha means excited public interest, discussion, or the like, as the clamor attending some sensational event; or hullabaloo. Why is is it such a cool word? Because its just hilarious to say. I haven't been able to say this word once yet without cracking up or smiling. Besides, think of all the places in everyday life that you can use it:

ex. With all the brouhaha happening out side, I didn't notice that my sister had eaten my Popsicle. Curse my little sister.

Disney Ex(yeah...can't get away from it :D): When the girl accidentally tripped Mickey and knocked his head off, there was much brouhaha about trying to explain to the little kids that she did not "kill" Mickey. (sad, but this is an actual experience of mine)

Friday, May 21, 2010

What was the worst place you've traveled to?

There was this one hotel that we were supposed to stay in in Washington DC during my 11th grade college tour. Apparently my counselor hadn't looked at any pictures of the Hotel when she had booked it. There was black mold in the bathtub. We didn't even stay long enough to look at anything else. All 13 of us decided to go find someplace new to sleep.

Ask me anything

Friday, May 14, 2010


Its kinda hit me that writing a blog post everyday can be quite tiring, so I've decided to do one at least once a week. For now, I'm really tired and will post my top 10 tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Top 10/5 Facts

So today I'm gonna post two different things today. The first will be my Top 10 list for today which is ~dadadadaaaa~ TOP 10 PARADES/SHOWS!! As a heads up, due to the fact that I haven't been to Disney World since I was 12 or 13, and I can barely remember what my homework was, much less stuff from then, all of my Top 10 lists are gonna be Disneyland based, at least until I get down to Orlando.

The second thing I'm going to be posting today is my 5 facts vlog. Apparently this is a big tradition for CP's blogs and I thought it would be fun if I do one too.

So first up:
#10-Its tough to be a Bug: Located in CA Adventure, its a cute little show for those of us who liked "A Bugs Life"

#9-Captain Eo: It has Micheal Jackson in it and that is what puts it on the list.

#8-Believe...In Holiday Magic Fireworks Spectacular:A Christmas version of Disneyland's nighttime fireworks, IT SNOWS!! IT FREAKIN SNOWS IN ANAHEIM! To someone who has only seen snow 3 times in her natural born life, its completely awesome to see.

#7-Hunchback of Notre Dame Show: This show used to be where the Big Thunder Ranch is. Then called the Festival of Fools stage, it was pretty accurate to the movie and I loved watching Esmeralda spin around in her red gypsy dress.

#6-The Enchanted Tiki Room: Because all the birds sing words and the flowers bloom. Also a great place to nap.

#5-Country Bear Jamboree: Used to Love this show. I think that replacing it with the Winnie the Pooh ride was a bad move on Disney's behalf. *HIDDEN MICKEY* If you look up during the heffalumps and woozles scene in the ride, you can see the old talking animal heads up in the rafters.

#4-Disney's Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular: It doesn't hurt that Aladdin is one of my favorite princes, singing along with songs from the original movie along with witty pop culture references from Genie make it a good reason to take an hour out of a ride filled day and relax and enjoy the show.

#3-The Lion King Celebration Parade: They stopped this Parade in 1997, and I can still remember being 6 and being amazed by this parade. Like a mini version of the Broadway play.

#2-Disney's Main Street Electrical Parade: This thing looks like what would happen if I went to Wonderland and had one of the caterpillar's shrooms. The tinny synthesizer music and the multitude of lights is just so cool to me.

and the number 1 is:
Fantasmic!: What can you not like about this? Theres fireworks, water effects, almost any classic Disney character you can think of including Steamboat Willie, and a 60 foot dragon! Its worth skipping rides to stake out a spot in front of the Rivers of America for this show. This is a sum of all what Disney is, making it my number one choice.

Thats it for today's Top 10! Tune in tomorrows for my next list: TOP 10 Disney Movies!

Up next: My 5 Facts

Peace,love, and Cookie Dough,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ended up working on Persuasive speech for Class. Will post Top 10 parades/shows tomorrow.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Top 10 Rides

Alright, so browsing the web, I saw that a lot of people were doing fun things in their blogs related to Disney, so I figure: Why not join in on the fun? So until I leave for Orlando(26 days Whoot!), I'm going to do a Top 10 list everyday for as long as I can think of something to do a list on. So heres todays list:

TOP 10 DISNEYLAND RIDES!!(West Coast Version)

#10-Alice in Wonderland Teacups: Because nothing is more fun then spinning around in giant dish ware until you look like you'd fail the Breathalyzer test for a DUI.

#9-Big Thunder Mountain: One of the 3 Disney mountains (splash,thunder,and space), I've been going on this ride since I was 3, and at 18 I still feel the same way I did then: breathless,excited,and a little queasy

#8-Star Tours: I Love this ride! I always sit in the back so my feet can hang off the floor a little, makes me feel the effects better.

#7-Haunted Mansion-What used to scare me when I was little has become one of my favorite rides. I would definitely recommend going during Halloween or Christmas to see the Nightmare before Christmas Version.

#6-California Screamin-Other than Tower of Terror, the most thrilling ride in California Adventure. It reminds me of the old wooden roller coasters that used to be around, other than the fact that it shoots you out from 0 to 55 miles and hour in 5 seconds.

#5-Pirates of the Caribbean:This is on here because I enjoy nothing more than singing the pirate's song at the top of my lungs during the ride. Especially when my best friend Romani or my sister Dominique is with me and we can double the volume hehehe.....

#4-Toy Story Mania: It combines 3 of my favorite things: Competition, Video Games, and Disney. The fact that I win every time my family and I go on doesn't hurt either ;D

#3-Soarin Over California: Being a born and bred California girl, I was kinda iffy when I first got on here, after all it sounded like something my teachers would want me to see for a Geography Project. I was so wrong with my impression. Not only are the sights amazing and allow you to see bird-eye views of California that you would rarely see (I saw my house in the Staples Center scene XD ), but add the great effects, as well as the 250 foot IMAX screen, you really feel like your hang-gliding! Not to mention (SPOILER ALERT!) The last scene is Disneyland at night during the Christmas Parade and it kinda just reminds you of how magical a place it really is.

Tied for #2:

Tower of Terror-In my opinion, the scariest ride in the whole park. This is just a good example of Disney magic. It always takes me a minute after I exit to realize that I'm at a theme park and not really at one of the hotels over down in Hollywood. Also, plummeting down 13 stories can scare the crap out of anybody and I do love the thrill. Also, one of my funniest Disney experiences happened on this ride (though thats for another post....)

Space Mountain: The second of the mountains to make my list, this ride is fast, dark, and has really cool space age sounding music. Need I say more?


INDIANA JONES & THE TEMPLE OF THE FORBIDDEN EYE!! Any fan of the movies (including me) will love feeling like being a part of the movies, Not to mention with the Jungle cruise right next door, and a foreboding temple your entrance to ride, you can't help but forget that your in the middle of Southern CA, and not at some ancient Indian Jungle. I fell in love with this ride when I was 6 and my cousins took me on it for the first time, and have been in love with it ever since. I even waited for 2 hours in line during grad night just to ride this. There has never been a time where I have been to Disneyland or Disney World and not have ridden this ride. Great Effects, fond memories, and just a ton of fun, is why I placed Indiana Jones on the top of my list.

Well that ends todays list. Be sure to check in Tomorrow for my next list: TOP 10 PARADES/SHOWS!

peace,love,and cookie dough,

Friday, May 7, 2010


I have got to start paying attention more. I looked at the Calendar today and realized I only have a few more weeks until I leave! I still have a ton more things to do including:

1) get hair braided
2)figure out what I'm actually taking with me
3)pay attention in class so I can pass my finals
4)convince the counselors at my school that what I'm doing isn't something I made up so they can give me credits
5)pack up stuff I'm not taking
6)Convince my sister that while I'm gone to not paint it pink so I don't have to come back and kill her.

& Finally

7)Get together with my friends! I haven't seen a ton of my friends since my High School graduation (despite the fact that most of them are 5 minutes away)and I miss them. Not to mention I wanna have a going away thing since I didn't have one when I graduated(yeah being selfish here....ah well)

So yeah....ton of stuff to do and little time to do it. I gotta get my act together and like one of the songs of one of my favorite musicals would say: I gotta get whipped into shape! Thats all for today I guess.

Peace,Love,and Cookie Dough

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Random roomate survey

So this was on the Facebook group, so I thought it would be fun to post my survey on here, so that some people can get to know me.

1. Your name?:
Teighlor Johnson (aka Chibi)

2. Are you legal (over 21)?:
nope.I'll turn 19 while at the program so I'm really excited

3. Male or female?:

4. Gay, straight, bi (optional):

5. Where do you live?:

6. What role will you have at Disney?:

7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)?:
Fall Advantage June 7th 2010

8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? with fun people thats close to the bus stop. Also the one that won't eat up my paycheck like pac-man on a feeding frenzy

9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?:
1-3 rooms...i have little sisters so I know how to share( and how to hide stuff ;D)

10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?:
will probaly attend parties rather than host them. party attitude is mostly based on how I'm feeling

11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Thai Food is my fav, though any Asian food will do. And yes I can cook. I really like to bake though

12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?:
Supercalifragiliciousespaladocious (so not spelled right), reliable, hungry

13. What kind of music/movies do you like?:
any but heavy metal(gives me a headache), though I do have a strong craving for Broadway at the moment, more specifically the songs from Wicked,Rent,Legally Blonde, and Dreamgirls

14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?:
Don't smoke, I'm like Sandra Dee at the sleepover in Grease

15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic):

16. Are you a night person or a morning person?:
ummm....I'm a probaly had to many red bulls and is bounccing off the walls at one moment and knocked out in the middle of the afternoon just because the sun hit her bed in the right spot person. To whomever my future roomate is, I apologize for advance for you finding me sleep on the couch in the middle of the day.

17. Are you driving or flying down?:
Flying down with my mom early. I don't trust myself going cross-country O_O

18. What do you do for fun?:
Sleep,Bake,Read Manga,Video Games,Sew (warning to potential roomates, I will be bringing my sewing machine),Crochet,Drink Tea while reading(am currently on a James Patterson kick),bash the twilight series,hang out in little Tokyo with my friend Rome,attempt to cosplay,and audition for Disney Parades

19. What is your favorite quote?:
Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long.
We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
- Walt Disney

20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?:
IT'S DISNEY! need I say more?

21. Favorite things to do when not working:
......didn't I just answer this question? see #18

22. Name one good quality about yourself:
I'm impulsive with a dash of common sense

23. Name one bad quality about yourself:
see previous

24: Your college: West Los Angeles College, trying to decide where to transfer afterwards

25: Your major:
Liberal Arts(will change to journalism/Fashion Design when I transfer)

26. Any medical conditions (optional):
I am allergic to nuts and grapes(so basically no trail mix for me),cigeratte smoke makes me light headed and gives me the munchies, though I don't know if thats really a medical condition

27. Are you messy/tidy?:
I try. Mostly when I'm messy its my clothes, so as long as I remember to fold my clothes its all good

28. Anything else you want to state:
.......HI!!. I've seen both Beauty and the Beast and Lion King on stage and they're probaly the reason why I'm so disney crazed. That and the fact that my family is obsessed with Disney. I am obssessed with my Kingdom Hearts games, and I am also on the waiting list for Club 33(if you don't know what that is,Google it)

29. Favorite Disney movie?:
Up, Meet the Robinsons, Finding Nemo, Aladdin,Lilo and Stitch, Beauty and the Beast,Hercules,Lion King, Robin Hood,Nightmare before Christmas and Hunchback of Notre Dame.(I know this is alot but they're all kind of tied for first in my mind)

30. How many times have you been to Disney?
Disney world: Twice. Disneyland: 52 Times and it never gets boring

31. Favorite park? :
MGM Studios and Epcot. Though I'm never going to the Canada attraction again

32. Favorite ride?: Tower of Terror, though I'm always slightly paranoid afterwards. I also love Indiana Jones and Star Tours

33. Favorite show?:Fantasmic and The Electrical Parade. I love the Lion King Parade but they don't do it any more :(. I did love the hunchack of notre dame show, but no one really remembers it.

34. Favorite resort? :Animal Kingdom Lodge. Last time I went to Orlando we got upgraded and I got to see Giraffes outside my window every morning. FREAKIN AWESOME XD!

35. Favorite dining?:
Character Breakfast at Cinderella Castle, and the Cooking Pot place at the Animal Kingdom Lodge,also Goofy's Kitchen

36. Favorite character?:Stitch and Princess Tiana(got mistaken for her once at Disneyland XD)

1. Weirdest Disney Moment:
Scaring the People in line for Haunted Mansion

2.Best Disney Moment:
Grad Night

3.Least favorite attraction:
Canada section at Epcot

4.Best spots in the park to get Naps in:
Because I am mostly Disneyland based, this list is based on that
*Theater on Mainstreet that shows steamboat Willy Cartoons
*Hall of Presidents
*Enchanted Tiki Room
*Mark Twain River Boat

Thats all for now. Thanks for gettin to know me and I hope I can do the same with you.

Peace,Love,and Cookie Dough:

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hello! Bonjour! Konichiwa! And other ones I don't know. Welcome to my blog! The reason I'm writing this blog is because: I'm going to Orlando! Thats right. In less than a month and a half (and the longest month and a half it is), I will be going down to Orlando to be part of the Walt Disney World College Program Fall Advantage 2010! YAY!! So theres alot aof stuff I got to do before I leave. Places to go, people to see, academic counselors to harass. But more on that later. For now I just wanna say Welcome! More to come later.

Peace,Love,& Cookie Dough
Teighlor (Chibi)